
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Home Sweet Home!

It has been so great having Treagan home. We absolutely love him. McKinley has been such a big helper. She always wants to hold him, hug him, and kiss on him. I am so grateful that she loves him so much. Treagan does what any new baby does, sleep, and poop! Treagan loves to be snuggled in the bouncer, where he sleeps most of the time!

Treagan's favorite place...sleeping in the bouncer

Daddy and Treagan taking a nap together!

All bundled in the carseat. I love how tiny they look in the carseat the first month.

McKinley and Treagan. I have been so proud of McKinley with potty training. She has had some perfect days and only a few accidents here and there. She has does amazing for only one week. WAY TO GO KINNERS!
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Lyndee W. said...

She's such a proud big sister! And Oliver looks so peaceful and content sleeping with his boy; that's Lyle's favorite part, snuggling with a sleeping baby. We're so excited for you! Can't wait to see a pic of you at a Utah game with your awesome blanket! LOL

Tiffany Anderson said...

WOW! he is so stinkin cute! I need to come out and visit. Hopefully on Friday!

Tashina said...

Yay Kinley!! You will LOVE it when she is potty trained- best day ever! Haha! I love the pic of Treagan and Oliver taking a nap. They both look so peaceful.

Catey said...

Annie-just wanted to say thanks for the cookie recipe! I can't wait to try it! It took me a minute to figure out who you were until I figured out you are MaryAnne's cute friend! :)
Also-congrats on your new little guy! He is adorable!

Jill said...

It was so fun seeing you today! Hope I don't loose your blog address again so we can keep in touch. :) Your kids are darling.

Deedles said...

He is so adorable! He is so tiny! Cute, cute pictures! :)