
Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Here is our new dog Maddie! I cannot believe it my husband finally gave in and let us get a dog. We got Maddie off of KSL from a really nice family. She has already been a great addition to our family. McKinley just loves her. This morning as soon as Maddie heard McKinley make a noise, from her crib, she was off to her room. It was really cute. I am so grateful they like each other. I think Maddie especially likes McKinley because she provides all of the floor scraps.


Lindsay said...

My kids really love our dogs too!!!

Tiffany said...

We are so happy for you guys! Dogs are such a great addition to the family. How old is she?

The Wies Family said...

Your little dog is so cute. I'm glad I got to meet her today, even if it was just briefly.

Lyndee W. said...

Oh my gosh! She is so dang cute! I love little dogs!