
Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Here is our new dog Maddie! I cannot believe it my husband finally gave in and let us get a dog. We got Maddie off of KSL from a really nice family. She has already been a great addition to our family. McKinley just loves her. This morning as soon as Maddie heard McKinley make a noise, from her crib, she was off to her room. It was really cute. I am so grateful they like each other. I think Maddie especially likes McKinley because she provides all of the floor scraps.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine Creations!

McKinley's Valentines Box

Cute McKinley and her valentines box

Yummy.....chocolate covered strawberries!!

"The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul. No matter our talents, education, backgrounds, or abilities, we each have an inherent wish to create something that did not exist before." President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Last night I really got that yearning to create. I decided to make a valentines box for McKinley and some chocolate covered strawberries for our ward party. I truly enjoyed seeing the end results!

Valentines Party

Olya, AJ, Tashina, and Melissa

Mommy and Kinners

Adam loved the frosting!

See all the candy McKinley was eating. She thought she would completely subsitute the sugar she would have had in one sugar cookie into a big pile of candy.

Laura, Emma, Parker, and Melissa

Today we had a Valentines kids party. We made little crafts, decorated cookies, and passed out valentines. I think the favorite thing was decorating and eating sugar cookies.(except for McKinley....she still won't eat cookies). She did enjoy all of the candy though. Here are some fun pictures from the party.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mommy's High Heels

McKinley just loves my shoes. On Sunday night she kept putting them on and walking around. She is actually pretty good at walking around in them. Plus I just thought she looked so adorable in her pjs and my high heels.

Sugar Cookies

More frosting....

Getting ready to take her first bite of pure sugar! lol

Brookie and Mckinley decorating

Just getting started

McKinley playing with Uncle Gene

On Sunday Night we went over to Aunt Torrie and Uncle Cassidy's House for FHE and dinner. For our activity and dessert we decorated sugar cookies. The kids had such a blast decorating the cookies. I think there was at least a full bottle of sprinkles on the table. McKinley had put a lot of frosting and sprinkles on her cookie and she absolutely loved it...although I think Daddy ended up throwing most of that cookie away and getting a plain sugar cookie. So later on that Night (probably around one or so in the morning McKinley woke up with a tummy ache and throwing up). I am not sure if it is because she had so much sugar...but she will not eat a cookie now. I have offered her some chocolate chip cookies and a sugar cookie. She takes one bite and hands it back to me and says, "All done." I guess I will know for sure tomorrow because we are having a valentines party at my house and we will be decorating sugar cookies! BRING IT ON!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009



This is how it works..... The first 3 people to leave a comment on this post will receive a hand made gift from me during this year. When and what will be a surprise. BUT, in order for you to leave a comment on my blog, you have to post this on your blog first. (That means that sometime during this year you will send a gift to 3 people as well.) Get it? So, the first 3 people to comment on this post will be the lucky ones.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Banana Wars

Oh he got me....

Being sneeky!!

McKinley thought she would pull a fast one on daddy and get him, but daddy was to quick for her.

Banana war zone.....Daddy and McKinley thought that bananas were for something other than eating. They had a great time on Sunday afternoon having banana wars. I think daddy won because after awhile McKinley decided she wanted to eat hers!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

"Little girls dance their way into your heart, Whirling on the tips of angel wings, Scattering gold dust and kisses in our paths"
Author: Unknown

Okay..okay So, I know I always post dance pictures, but what can I say she is so stinkin' CUTE. Yesterday in dance class they had orange day. They got to play with orange paper pumpkins, orange scarfs, orange ribbons, and orange bean bags. McKinley really like the ribbons and she was really good at and twirling it around. I love watching her in class because I can tell she really is in her element and loves dancing (AND being the center of attention!)