
Friday, February 26, 2010

Cute Kids

This last week has been a chill week. I have just enjoyed being home with the kids and spending time with them.
McKinley continues to say things beyond her years. The other morning when I was doing her hair she said to me in a put out tone of
voice, " Mom you're driving me crazy." I am just looking forward to when she is sixteen!!

Treagan and McKinley at Aunt T's house.

I found these glasses in my drawer and I could not resist putting them on the kids. As you can tell Treagan was thrilled to be wearing them!

McKinley loved wearing these glasses

Treagan loves to hold things in between his arms. I loved seeing him snuggle and fall asleep with this little stuffed dog.
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Jill said...

So cute!

Chantelle said...

You seriously need to frame the picture of the 2 of them in glasses!