McKinley turned 2 on July 2nd. I cannot believe how fast she has grown up. She makes me smile everyday. She has a personality that shines every where she goes. We had a great time celebrating her birthday. On the night before her birthday Oliver's family came over for a little celebration and family pictures. Then on her birthday we went to seven peaks with Aunt T. We actually celebrated her birthday more on the day before and the day after. On Friday (the day after her birthday) she opened her gifts from Oliver and I. We love our little Girl. We are excited to celebrate this new year in her life.

We made smiley face pancakes for her birthday.
We made smiley face pancakes for her birthday.
Opening her gift from the Brown's. She got a puzzle, clothes, books, and a DVD. She is Definitely spoiled!
I love the tissue paper thing! So adorable! She sure is a cutie! Happy Birthday McKinley!
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