Every year there is a block party in Oliver's parents neighborhood. It always includes great food, family and friends, and a live band. This is Oliver's favorite part....He loves to dance to the 50's music that the band plays. This year was the first year McKinley could really enjoy the band.......and let me tell you she was a DANCING MACHINE. She did not stop dancing for 2 whole hours. We finally left at 9:30 because it was way past bed time and we still had a 45min drive home. She would have continued dancing all night if we would have let her even though she was so tired. (She was asleep 5 mins into the car ride home.). The band members took a 5 min. break and McKinley looked up at Grandma Brown and said, "More music, more music." After they came back from break they let the kids play with hula hoops. McKinley held on to one for the rest of the night. I could have just sat and watched her all night. She did not want to dance with our family she wanted to be up right in front of the band doing her own thing! Miss Independent!! Here are a few snapshots from the party. I am going to try and post a couple videos of McKinley shakin' her buns!

Oh so cute, she is a Doll, we need to do something like that in our neighborhood, what would be AWESOME!!!
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