Rooting for our Favorite gymnastics team. (the guy taking the picture kind of cut Oliver's head off.)
Oh so cute!!
Friday was a blast. It all started with McKinley and me making chocolate cookies for the neighbors. McKinley had a lot of fun pouring, stirring, watching the cookies bake, and especially eating the cookies. After baking Mckinley had fun playing with her counsins Brooke and James. Later on that afternoon we went and picked Oliver up from work. We then went to Discovery Gatevway where we all had a bundle of fun. That was not all though...... we then went to the U of U gymnastics meet. This was McKinley's first meet and she absolutely loved it. We were a couple sections over from the band and she just stood up and danced and clapped her hands to the music! She even loved cheering on the gymnasts! She looked so adorbale in her U of U cheerleading outfit!
Mckinley is going to be just like Annie!! What a fun day!!
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