
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Festivities

Wow, Yesterday was a busy day of parties for little McKinley. It started in the morning over at Brailee's house. They made pumpkin pictures, decorated little pumpkins, made cookies, and read Halloween stories. McKinley could not wait for Oliver to come home so she could show him all of her projects. Later in the afternoon we headed over to a Neighbors house for another Halloween party. At this party she decorated cupcakes, made ghost, colored, and had fun swinging at the pinata-collecting even more candy. Then last night our family headed over to the legacy center for their Halloween Extravaganza. We had fun Trick or Treating around the track, which they had turned into a little spook alley. After trick or treating we went and ate sloppy joes while we watched Monsters and Aliens on a ginormous screen they set up. McKinley loved watching the movie. We were all exhausted after a long, but enjoyable day!

Here McKinley is painting her pumpkin with marshmallows on sticks.

McKinley and her decorated cupcake.

Swinging at the pinata

McKinley and Oliver at the Legacy Center.

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Unknown said...

SUPER fun!

Katie said...

Super cute costume, sounds like fun!

Cat said...

Ohh she looks so cute! I know that spiderman boy next to her.. Do you know Audra? I knew her from Colorado so random... I think our babies are only going to be like two weeks apart!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous family! Congrats on the baby boy coming soon!