
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sunday Morning

Our church meetings do not start until one so we always have plenty of time in the morning to goof off and just be plain silly!

McKinley shoving something into her mouth

McKinley's bright smile and her cute farmers tan!

Our good old self-portrait

McKinley and Me!
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Temple night

Our neighbors invited us to go to dinner and the temple with them. Thanks for the fun date night!

Matt, Heather, Dave, Kristy, Oliver, and Me

Don't ask about this picture....
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Swimming Time

Last week when it was really nice we decided to let the kids play in the pool. It was so great to be in the sun again. The kids had a great time playing in the pool, with the sprinkler ball, and on the trampoline. The adults had a great time getting tan, being outside, and having adult conversation! It was so wonderful to bask in the sun-- Summer please come quickly!!

Kristina and Me

McKinley filling up the pool.

McKinley lookin' cute in her sunglasses. My sunbathing beauty!

Having a great time on the trampoline.
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Here are a couple cute pictures of McKinley

McKinley doing a plie'

McKinley's new Cheesey smile....that I love

McKinley figuring out that she can use the big swing!
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Easter Dinner

We had Easter dinner at Tiffany and Ryan's house. They did a fun little Easter Egg hunt for all of the grandkids. All of the kids had so much fun finding their color of egg. Thanks Tiff and Ryan for the wonderful afternoon!

McKinley finding her pink eggs

Me and McKinley

The kids discovering what fun treasures are inside their eggs--I especially liked the eggs filled with mini cadbury eggs.

The nieces and nephews pulling SiLlY faces!
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Easter Sunday

All ready for church in our new easter outfits...(don't tell Oliver I called them outfits)

Grammy and McKinley.
Grammy came to church with us on Easter. McKinley, James, and Brooke were so happy!

McKinley being so adorable!

This has got to be one of my favorite pictures of McKinley. I just think she looks so cute. Plus is she looking at the camera and smiling!
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Easter Morning

The Easter Bunny brought McKinley some fun stuff. She got a new swimsuit and sandals. She also got a picture of Christ and of President Thomas S. Monson. She also had a great time going on an Easter egg hunt in the front room.

McKinley's Basket

Finding eggs and looking in her basket

She just had to have a sucker.

I don't know who was more excited Oliver or Mckinley!!
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Pure goofiness

Just one of those silly nights!

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Date Night

Me and my adorable hubby went to Tafalga for our date night. We had so much fun laughing and feeling like we were teenagers again. Oliver I don't know....I was the score keeper (He even won with me cheating). I guess the old saying still holds true,"cheaters never prosper."

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Easter Egg Hunt

McKinley collecting some eggs!

Wondering why all of the eggs disappeared so quickly

Beautiful McKinley

Me, McKinley, Parker, and Torrie

We went to the Easter Egg Hunt at Mountain View Highschool. It was so busy and the eggs really did disappear quickly. They told the moms not to help, but there were still moms collecting handfuls of eggs. Some people never It did start to rain, but even with the rain Mckinley and Parker had a great time.
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James' Birthday Party

Me, Channie, mom

Jamers, Grammy, and Mckinners

Chuck E Cheese, me, and a frightened Mckinley

Brooke and Mckinley going on the same ride for about the 10th time

We got to Celebrate Jamers Birthday at Chuck E Cheese. It was so much fun riding rides, eating pizza, and being with family. Mckinley really was afraid of Chuck E Cheese, but I am sure one of these day she will warm up to that bright smile of his!
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