
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Treagan @ 6 months 7-18-2010

Treagan is already 6 months. It seems like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital.
6 months stats (7-19-2010)
length: 25.5 inches
weight: 15lbs 15oz
head circ.: 44.5
Treagan is growing so fast. He is sitting up and his first tooth popped through on 7-20-2010. He is a very strong willed child. He knows what he wants and knows how to get it. He just started sleeping through the night (which I am excited about). He loves the idea of food, but is not sure about it when we actually try to feed him. We love him so much! Here is my little man....




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Tiffany said...

He is such a sweet little guy! I just love him! I'm glad he is sleeping through the night for you now. I hope he keeps it up! Love ya!

Lyndee W. said...

Awww...a tooth already?! I can't believe he's only 15 pounds...Ava is two months behind him and 14 1/2 pounds! She's a sumo!